Caring of Brick Masonry
There are many ways in which one can care for the brick masonry in his home. One of the ways that is effective but yet rarely used is brick tuck pointing. This method is used to seal the mortar. It is quite unfortunate as many home owners who have used brick masonry consider it as maintenance free. This can be evidenced by the fact that they do not apply any methods used to care for it. After some time it is possible that the mortar can erode and thus causes problems to your home. Sometimes it is a good idea to hire a tuck pointing company to check your brick masonry and check whether it needs any repairs. One of the most important factors taken into account in the repair is the mortar. The lintel that is adjacent to the windows should also be checked. There is a need to ensure that they have not rusted. This is because lintels are manufactured from steel. They are likely to rust for a long period of time and therefore cause problems to the brick masonry . This will affect its...